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Flameproof Scale

These Flameproof Scales are electronic weigh scales that can be easily and safely used in hazardous area as they prevent the entry of flammable gas or dust. They are available in strong and durable design to cool any combustion gas that may be occurred internally. In addition to this, they are designed to avoid any production of spark to ignite a specified hazardous gas. These Flameproof Scales are designed with high speed digital indicators and durable flame-proof enclosure to provide the best performance. They are widely used in different sectors from pharmaceuticals, petroleum, chemicals to mines.

Hanging Heatproof Crane Scale 10 Ton

Display Resolution-2,92,000 Internal Resolution-1,60,00,000 Display / Digit Type-0.56 Seven Segment Display Size-14 mm
Price: 27542.00 INR/Unit

Platform Flameproof

Internal Resolution-1,60,00,000 Display Resolution-2,92,000 Display / Digit Type-0.56 Seven Segment Display Size-14 MM
Price: 17372.00 INR/Unit

Flameproof Indicator

Internal Resolution 1,60,00,000 Display Resolution 2,92,000 Frequency Supply 50Hz,10% Calibration Semiautomatic
Price: 9745 INR/Unit

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